This web site is for educational purposes only. We suggest if you choose to eat or use any edible, herb or mushroom on this site that you first consult an expert in this area such as an herbalist, botanist or a mycologist.
Friends and Associates of Oklahoma Wildcrafting
Many of the pictures you see here on the site have came from members and friends of Oklahoma Wildcrafting. A special thank you goes out to Charles Lewallen and OU bio-survey for the permission granted to use their pictures years ago for non profit use on this site. Our official photographer is Sarah Warmker Photography. Here is a list of photographers who have contributed to this site.

Amy Barrier Pollman
Christy Privitt
David Lebow
Don Nguyen
Jess Fussel
Jill Brady
Kevin Gant
Linda Tisdale Kuczwanski
Megan Brady
Neva and Tobie Alsip
Pat Williams
Sarah Warmker Photography
Teresa Thompson Lyles
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