Due to the passing of Jackie Dill, founder of Oklahoma Wildcrafting, all events are cancelled. We hope to have some events in honor of her memory in the future. The following list of resources is one she created for the Facebook group.
Instructor List and Resources
By Jackie Dill on Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 10:43am
I have limited my instruction and workshops to just a very few a year. If I do one it most likely be at Living Kitchen Farm and Dairy, St Francis of the Woods or Blue doors. I wanted to provide you with other resources in Oklahoma below. Jenny Faith Mansell has been my apprentice for years and is in my opinion the person best qualified to take my place in walks and workshops. I have however added other instructors and resources I feel would benefit anyone wanting to learn to wildcraft. They all practice ethics and safety. They all excel in one area or more. I know each of them and feel they exhibit what it means to be a wildcrafter. I may add to this list at a later date so keep checking back.
Available Instructors
Jenny Faith Mansell, advanced wildcrafting instructor, advanced wild herb knowledge.
Web Site-http://www.prairieherbcraft.com/
Jenny will do walks and workshops
Audrey Frampton, wildcrafting instructor, advanced in mycology.
Email, audreyframpton@gmail.com
Audrey is attending college right nowso may be limited on walks.
Gwen Ivanhoe, wildcrafting instructor,advanced with prepping and survival.
Email, okcashqueen@yahoo.com
Walks a matter of corespondance
Those who may be available or are qualified to instruct. You would need to contact them to see.
Mike Gibbons, wildcrafting instructor,Advanced in wild food preparation.
Email, yulegib@cox.net
Mike is an excellent wild foods cook.
Jess Fussell, advanced wildcrafter,advanced in indentification and wildcrafting.
Email, slarti24@gmail.com
Jess during the season has walks atOxley Nature Center and posts them to the Oklahoma WildcraftingGroup.
Chris Ozolins
You would have to catch Chris on theOklahoma Wildcrafting page and ask. Chris is exceptional at ID and wildcrafting as a whole. Advanced with extended trail walks and biking. Amazing with photography. If you talk him into this you have won the lotto.
ChefLisa Becklund of Living Kitchen Farm and Dairy. Lisa is an excellent wildcrafter and Chef of wild foods. Living Kitchen Farm and Dairy offer farm to table dinners throughout the season. Many incorporate wild foods and they do have some that are wild food based. If you want to experience true wild foods check them out. I believe they do catering also.
WebSite, http://www.livingkitchenfarmanddairy.com
Associated Interests
Adam has Eco Landscaping a company in Oklahoma City. He can work with you to incorporate wild foods into your landscape in a ethical and sustainable way. He is advanced at ID's.
Facebookpage https://www.facebook.com/ecogardenok/
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